b'6 2019-2020 | ANNUAL REPORT 2019-2020 | ANNUAL REPORT 7MESSAGE FROM YOUR BOARD OFTHE CHAIRTRUSTEES The Louis Riel School Division is governed by a nine-person Board of Trustees elected every four years by the LRSD community. The board advocates for, and is accountable to, the LRSD community on matters of public education throughout the division. Elections are held in conjunction with the Winnipeg Civic Election and are run on behalf of metro During a typical school year, every day, in every classroomNormal, as we may have defined it a year ago, hasschool divisions by the City of Winnipeg. To see how the division is divided into Wards and to find out which Ward you in each of our 40 schools, students overcome hurdles,changed. What remains firmly in place and unwaveringlive in, please visit our website at www.lrsd.net and click on the School Board heading.navigate challenges and realize goals. Public education,in nature, however, is a deep and abiding commitment to even in the time of a pandemic, continues to be aboutstudent engagement and success on the part of bothnurturing a journey toward lifelong learning, developingthe LRSD Board of Trustees and Senior Leadership Team.WARD 1respect for oneself and others, and creating environmentsThe 2019-2020 Annual Report to the Community where curiosity and imagination is encouraged anddocuments and commemorates another year of progress,Louise JohnstonCindy Turnerthrives, all the while knowing that the confidence to takeresilience, and victories, both big and small, in our rapidly risks can lead to greater learning and self-discovery. As Igrowing school division. Vice-Chair(204) 294-3047write this message and reflect on the past year, I remain(204) 612-7121deeply appreciative of a divisional culture and climate thatI invite you to immerse yourself in this report and as nurtures and encourages curiosity and inquisitiveness in allyou turn the pages, take time to marvel in the work, the who work and learn in Louis Riel School Division (LRSD).stories and the learning taking place each day in the thirdWARD 2largest school division in Manitoba. It is a true testament to the dedication of teachers, administrators, staff,Chris Sigurdsonparents, and students themselves, that we can share soRobert Pagemany accomplishments, experiences and insights. (204) 230-4601 (204) 541-1303The LRSD organizational chart places our students atthe centre of all we do, and rightly so. Their success is atWARD 3 Sandy NemethNeil Vadeboncoeur Josie Landrythe heart of our work, and it is with this in mind that the LRSD Board of Trustees celebrates this report toour community.I HAVE Chair(204) 254-7636 (204)292-4661NO SPECIAL (204) 230-6475TALENT. I AM ONLYWARD 4PASSIONATELY Tom Parker Pamela Kolochuk (204) 298-9249 (204) 297-5339CURIOUS. - ALBERT EINSTEIN'